
Thursday, June 16, 2011


We are all so very thankful.... for family willing to drive a total of 12 hours just so Roshi and Nitha could spend time with Jethenro and their parents.
For family who provided a bed and food for the girls when they came up and took food the hospital  for Jethenro and the parents numerous times.
For friends who bring a gigantic, 53 inch stuffed bear to Jethenro because it was the biggest they could find and it represents how much he means to them. (He successfully used it to scare several of his nurses half to death)
For a friend and his dad who dropped in to brighten Jethenros afternoon.
For people we didnt even know who heard about Jethenro and family being at Texas Childrens and prepared food and brought it to the hospital for them.
For some of the best and most caring staff nurses in the PICU and on the floor.
For the blessings of the Ronald McDonald House and the awesome staff.
And most of all for the phone calls made, emails sent, facebook posts, letters sent, and prayers that have been made on Jethenros behalf.

They say you know who your friends are when troubled times come and I know that we as a family can testify to this. We are so very very grateful and extremely blessed for all the individuals God has placed in our lives. 

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