
Saturday, July 16, 2011


My tears flow freely as I write this. My mommy heart is broken for my son.
What we thought was an allergic reaction to a protein drink has actually been a reaction to the steroids he had been taking previously. 
On Thursday a cat scan was ordered to detect any internal lesions or spots that might be the same as those on his skin.
The cat scan revealed  free air in his abdominal cavity.  This could only mean that he had lesions that were leaking into his abdomen.  He had no usual symptoms... A slight bloating, but no pain.
The only option was to open him up and repair the damage...wherever it was. The surgeon would need to physically look for the tear that could be anywhere from the stomach to the rectum.
If it happened to be in the intestines, or bowels they would have to install a temporary colostomy while the tear healed.
It is enough to be handling his leukemia... Now this!
We should have been informed immediately, and operation performed immediately but alas, communication was broken, and we were not informed appropriately.

As soon as Jethenro was headed into surgery, last night,  we texted everyone we could and called a few prayer warriors.

The operation was quick, and the surgeon came out ecstatic.She expressed that she had goose bumps.  She found no lesions.  She found soft stool....where it was supposed to be.  No constipation.  No leakage anywhere! The free air was clean! The only explanation is that the lesion or tear  had possibly been in the colon area, and already healed itself, so there had been no leakage or contamination into the cavity.  
Truly a miracle!

If only there were an alternative to chemo for this type of leukemia!

Please continue to intercede for our family. It will take a long time to heal ~with infection ever a threat.


  1. Praying for complete healing. . .

  2. What a stressful time this must have been. Praising God that there had not been a leak! Will continue to pray for you and fo complete healing for your son.
    God strengthen you all along this path,
    Lisa :o)

  3. What a miracle! ***God is Faithful***

  4. Prayers for Jethenro! May the Healer continue to hold him close.
