
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Week in Review

Monday~ Chemo day. At the clinic for 3 hours

Tuesday~Feelin' pretty good- visited cousins for about an hour celebrating a birthday

Wednesday~Awoke with a sore throat.  Visit to the clinic. Blood transfusions and platelets ordered.  Follow up ct scan done. At hospital until 1 a.m.

Thursday~Woke up with 102.3 fever. Admit to hospital. Three antibiotics started.  Fever fluctuates all day. Nodule still on lung after one month is addressed by Infectious Disease doctor. Another surgery ordered to remove nodule, but not an emergency at this time. Consult with surgeon probably tomorrow.

Friday~Remains to be seen...To be continued...

Please pray for our family...hardest days of our lives...


  1. Praying. Lifting all of you up to God.

    From my reading this morning: "The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them, he delivers them from all their troubles." Psalm 34:17

    I am claiming this verse for you today.

  2. My dear friends,

    We are praying for you today! Times are tough, but God will sustain you through them. Remember when you were up here in May? We sang "I Must Tell Jesus". Since then I've never sang that song without thinking of you guys! Remember that song today... "I must tell Jesus! I cannot bear these burdens alone..."
