
Monday, October 03, 2011

Time Flies Unless...

.We are with Jethenro in the hospital once again.This time it is for more than  platelet or blood transfusions.  He ate breakfast Sabbath morning, and spent the morning with his sisters while Dad and mom went to church. By lunchtime he did not feel like eating, and just drank lots of water and juice the rest of the day. By evening he had a low grade fever that appeared to last throughout the night. Sunday morning the temperature was still low grade, but by noon it was spiking at 101.9.  We waited and checked again around 2.  He still had a fever and minutes later as I was getting my food ready to eat, he mentioned that the smell of my food was making him sick....and it did.  With that the decision was made~the Dr. was called, and into the PICU we would go.  When we arrived at the hospital, they had to put us into the ER which was not what we had planned!  We were a direct admit, however the PICU did not have enough nursing staff to accommodate us. I was not happy, my hubby was not happy about it, but we made it through that muddle and were into the PICU by 5 pm.Whew...home ...
The remainder of the time is being spent in finding out why the fever, while keeping it under control. Looks like we will be here a few days. Will update here if we discover anything.
Jethenro was scheduled to have had his last chemo therapy  today for this phase. Doc B also has stated that the other phases are not as hard.  I pray that he is right.  I ask that you join us in prayer for Jethenro.
~by mom~


  1. As you know, we are praying! Keep your courage up! "the pain reminds this heart that this is not... our home..."

  2. Praying extra for all of you. Hugs to you, Marci.

  3. God bless you with special strength!

  4. So very sorry to hear this. It is so nice that your girls make the room a little more homey for him. Keeping you all in my prayers, Lisa :o)
