
Tuesday, November 29, 2011


How to support Jethenro
~sister style~
Sit in a quiet corner of the nurses station just across from Jethenro's room at the hospital~and study~
The girls do move to the hospital with Jethenro if they are not in school or at work
Such a blessing!!
They work their schedules to stay with him during the night so mom and dad don't have to. Because they are both considered adults, and one a nurse and one in nursing school~ the ONC team are totally ok with it. They even teach the girls what they are doing.
The Dr's are professors, so the clinic is a teaching environment.  They have student nurses and Dr's come through periodically at the clinic. 


  1. Nice! :) Sisters are so fun!! And why are you wrapped in blankets? (Those are blankets, aren't they??) You live in one of the hottest places!! ;) Keep the supporting and studying up! ~Brittney

  2. The closeness in your family shows. Such dear daughters and sisters.

  3. Oh Brittney! The air conditioner works well in the

  4. What a blessing that your kids are such good friends with each other! After a rough start mine have become friends and I pray they build a friendship that will last a lifetime. Any advice or tips to achieve that? -Lisa
