
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Postponed~No, CANCELLED!

The nurse popped into our room about 8:30 pm last evening to inform us that the chemo infusion would not begin until  morning.  There appeared to be a shortage of this particular medicine in the hospital pharmacy.  It  was enough to begin infusion, but not to finish off  the total treatment. Since the meds had to be consecutively given without a break, the plan was to wait for the second half of the meds to arrive before beginning any infusions. The chemo  was on the way in a truck from Dallas.  By the time it reached the hospital it would be around 1 pm before the chemo could be started.
This all was a little unsettling and disturbing, as it was changing our weekend plans.   
Jethenro and I were sitting in his room  today when the nurse and Dr. came in at 1:15 pm.  We were told that the chemo had arrived, but was the WRONG TYPE. So Doc was sending Jethenro home...!
The Doc said that they might just begin the next phase without it.  The final decision will be known on Monday when we go in for an appointment at the clinic.
Jethenro has had 24 hours of  i.v. hydration. We don't know why~ but God is in the know. Must be a reason that we are not aware of.
Back to the original weekend plans...!

1 comment:

  1. How frustrating for all of you! Praying for ONLY God's will to happen.
