
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Weekend Activity

The ONC team postponed Jethenro's chemo for last week to accommodate for his scheduled ACT test.  The test had been postponed twice already due to vacations, camping trips or chemo. He has been studying this book on the good days recently.
 Now this book will be able to retire.

Because Jethenro's defenses were good, we were able to join a little bit of group activities over the weekend..  We went to a performance of "The Messiah" conducted by the academy music director. The academy choir joined a local church choir and community Chamber Orchestra to create a beautiful sound.

Last night some of the Young Adults got together for food and fellowship at a local church members home.
Three Pastors were there~one former,two present

I think the present was getting advice from the former~or vise versa.  They seemed to be into a deep discussion after just meeting one another!

Tomorrow it is off early to the clinic to have blood labs drawn, and an over all health check to verify if Jethenro is ready for chemo.  If he qualifies, it is on to the hospital for HD MTX, and a 3~4 day stay.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you all. . . So glad you were able to attend some Christmas activities!
