
Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Hospital? Or not!

The morning began early~as getting ready to go to the hospital requires a few extra steps on clinic visit days.  But I really didn't know what the medical team had planned either, since they were going to try to work around the Tues. afternoon class that  Jethenro has in the classroom. The NP and I had a little discussion about the situation when we arrived which included the absence of one oral medication that he will need.  It appears that some types of chemo drugs are getting hard to obtain, and according to the local pharmacy that supplies the clinic, this particular one is not available today. Hmmm~been through this before.  We will discover the outcome later this week.
The results of  Jethenros lab draws showed that his defenses were too low to begin therapy anyway! So he gets another week to recover. And we get another week to relish.

1 comment:

  1. That not knowing and having to go out of your way to then find out that it is not going to happen has to be frustrating for you guys. Life seems to be getting more and more where we have to totally depend and trust in God.
    Prayers continue on your families behalf,
    Lisa :O)
