
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

surgery...and now a clot

Well we are still in the hospital! Last night's fluoroscopy showed the need for surgery, so surgery was scheduled and Jethenro and Roshi prepared to stay the night. It was a long night, not much sleep at all...
Early this morning he was transferred to surgery, where the surgeon had to totally remove his portacath and insert a new one. For those of you who don't know what that simple language, it's a tube that can deliver medications almost directly to his heart. So surgery went well, no complications....we thought.
Got back to the PICU, and the Dr. ordered an ultrasound of the veins in his neck (where the previous "tube" (catheter) had moved to) to make sure there wasn't a clot left behind. And can you guess what they found?
Sigh...yes, a blood clot in his Jugular vein...At times, invasive procedures or "foreign" things in your blood vessels can cause your blood to coagulate and form a clot. 
Next step is a CT with contrast to find out more details about this clot. Until then, we wait...and pray... :)


  1. So sorry to hear of more bumps in this journey. Hold onto Jesus - He is holding onto you,Lisa :o)

  2. continuously praying for you all. Yes, as Lisa said Hold On To Jesus. He is able.
