
Monday, March 05, 2012

Another Challenge

Jethenro had a chest x-ray done yesterday to verify the possibility of pneumonia.  The pneumonia came back negative, but a 'convenience' to the x-ray was to find that once again his porta cath tubing has moved out of position. There is a blood return, so it can be used for antibiotics and blood draws.  They  will wait to check it again  when he has to get chemo again.  But really!  Hasn't this been enough already?

1 comment:

  1. Marci~ I can only imagine how much pain you are in. Lately I have been through a very painful struggle and I got a lot of comfort from the story of Job. And I determined to hold tight to Jesus. I came down to one day - I was frustrated and wrote in my journal- That I was tired of the attacks from the devil but that I was going to follow Jesus No Matter What! There has been some relief in the painful situation in which I was - for the time being. What ever the reason -I don't know what it is but I am choosing to allow God to work on me through the trial and the blessing is a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.
    Praying a special prayer for you all~ Lisa <3
