
Friday, March 16, 2012

Day 17

The sun sets as another Sabbath begins.  This is the third Sabbath Jethenro is in the hospital.  He has not had a fever since Wednesday, the day his bone marrow appeared to wake up and start driving his defenses back up. We have much to be grateful for.  All the tests that have been taken to determine why he had continued fever have all  come back negative and Jethenro has been taken off of a few hard core antibiotics.  This has been an answer to prayer, as there was talk of needing daily infusions for 21 or more days. This would mean either home health or going into the daily infusion center of the hospital. We have a trip planned the first part of April, and that daily trip to the hospital for an infusion would have interfered .  There has been a lot of rejoicing today as we keep getting good news.  Jethenro's ANC more than doubled since yesterday, and the WBC  inches up little by little, day by day.
The Doctor  says that it appears they need to study Jethenro's protocal, as the chemo drove his defenses to 0 for much too long. Future dosage of that particular chemo may be cut in half or more.
For the first few days, Jethenro slept or rested a lot.  As he felt better, he began watching tv, and a few days this week he has done some schoolwork as well.  He does not enjoy reading for pleasure~but we are working on that ;)


  1. Praise the Lord. Still praying for all of you. Hope to see you soon.

  2. Praise the Lord for the blessing of an increasing ANC. I'm glad they are planning to adjust the protocol, we are on 50% now and it has made life so much better. Happy Sabbath!

  3. So glad to hear he is starting to feel some better.
    Hopefully all will be well before your trip.
    Happy Sabbath to you all.

  4. SO excited to hear the good news. Praise our wonderful God! He is ever faithful. Sometimes it's hard to wait (I am experiencing this) but He always delivers. All glory to Him. Hoping and praying J's discharge day is right around the corner! I love you guys so much and am continually praying for you. ♫ ♬ ♪ ♮ ♩ Singing praises to the Lord.... ♥ you!

  5. Happy happy happy news!!!!! Will keep praying!

  6. Still keeping y'all in our prayers! Please feel free to use the ANC stuff, I copied it off on line myself, lol.

    Hugs, Trish
