
Friday, March 02, 2012

Friday Facts

From the last couple of days; in no particular order.
1. Still in hospital
2.Fevers still bouncing from 99-103
3. Blood Infection detected
4. On a new/stronger antibiotic
5.Two units of blood ordered.
6.One unit of platelets ordered.
7.ANC (defenses) 0
8.Blood pressure fluctuations
9.Some cough and headache associated with infection.

All associated with the chemo drug he was given ARAC or  cytarabine


  1. Guess the hospital is the best place for him right now with all that going on, but hopefully, prayerfully he will be better soon and back home.

  2. Marci, I am praying for you and Jethenro. This journey is so difficult to start with and made more so by unpredictable changes and events. It's a good thing nothing takes God by surprise. We can trust Him.

  3. Oh dear... praying for him and you all!
