
Friday, January 11, 2013

Christmas (:

Christmas time! That wonderful time where families get together and spend time eating, laughing, and talking. Typically our family celebrates Christmas in Texas but this year Mom, Dad, Roshi and Jettie decided to abandon tradition and head to the grand state of Washington to spend the holidays with my Dad's second family. Additionally, GYC was held in Seattle, WA this year and since most of the family missed it last year due to Jethenro's immunosuppresion it was decided that this would be an addendum to the family vacation. The first couple of days were spent with family and enjoying sledding up in the mountains of Northern Oregon. Nitha flew in Christmas afternoon and the family was finally together once again :)

.:.Siblings + Snow = Perfect Combination.:.

.:.My daddy and my brother, handsome men no?.:.

.:.Christmas Dinner.:.

.:.Halder Family 2012.:.

.:.Halder Family + Grandparents 2012.:.

After spending a couple of days in southern WA we headed up to Seattle through Snoqualmie Pass with fervent prayers that the roads would be clear. Praise God the prayers of these Southern drivers were answered :) 
GYC was absolutely amazing. The speakers were phenomenal. Seeing so many friends. Meeting up with several families together as a family was such a blessing.

                                      .:.Jethenro and Nitha volunteering with the registration team.:.

.:.Infamous Seattle gum wall with friends.:.

 Jethenro had had a lumber puncture two days before the trip north. Several of the staff members at the clinic had expressed concern about Jethenro making the decision to opt out of the flu shot and being around such a large crowd of people. Flu season has started early and several of their patients had already come down with flu symptoms. It was with prayerful and somewhat worried hearts that we continued with the plan to attend GYC. Jethenro faithfully carried around his hand sanitizer and did very well at going to bed at a decent hour. The day after GYC the oh-so familiar symptoms of a cold had come upon Roshi and by the end of a long day of traveling Jethenro felt it coming on as well. The family headed home quickly and when they checked his temp it was 101. The clinic has to be called when his temp goes up to 101.5 so we earnestly started praying that it would go down. He went to bed, rested a lot and drank a lot of fluid and by Sunday evening had a temp of 98.6. Praise the Lord!!!

 Thank you for your continued prayers. They are ever so appreciated :) Hope each one of you enjoyed your holidays!

1 comment:

  1. What a story on this blog day!
    So glad your son was ok in the end and it all was a wonderful trip.
    My daughter and her husband went to GYC too and really thought it was great.
    Looks like a really good holiday for all of you.
