
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

'Mom' has not been updating here...but need to let you know if you have not heard already.  Jethenro was diagnosed with  relapse on June 7, 2014.  He has been in the hospital since then. Chemo begins all over again. Except this time we diligently search for a bone marrow match.  As soon as one is found, he will get the transplant and be able to stop chemo.  Please pray that one of his sisters is a match. I don't know if i will be able to keep updating on this blog.  There is no internet at the hospital and I am there 99% of the time. He may not get to come home for quite awhile.


  1. He and your family are definitely in my prayers. Will be praying for some matching bone marrow to be found soon as well. God bless~ Lisa :O)

  2. We got the news during the latter part of last week, and we have continued to hold the entire family up in prayer. Will be praying for the perfect bone marrow match.

    God is Faithful.
