
Saturday, July 05, 2014

Thursday, July 4, 2014~1:46pm

Last update:
Jethenro responded to the antibiotics just long enough to be taken off of life support, but within 24 hours his neutropnic body had developed another infection and he was headed back into septic shock. He did not want to be intubated again, and neither did the rest of us, so surrounded by his family Jethenro was given comfort measures.  We believe he was hemorrhaging internally because he was losing platelets  almost faster than they could be infused. His eyes had become blood shot, His kidneys and liver had been damaged, and there were probably other organs affected.
Yet this did not stop him from smiling, cracking a few jokes and thinking of others. The last 48 plus hours of his life he was afraid to go to sleep. He knew he had 'died' and that was the reason he had been intubated. He was terrified to go through that experience again.


  1. Praying for all of you. Looking forward to heaven!

  2. Praying for you today and in the days to come!!

  3. Oh, friend, the words just fail me. The tears come and go, the heart-prayers go up to our Father for you, my soul longs for Jesus to come again soon. Very, very soon.

  4. so very sad to read this just now.
    i am so sorry
    love and prayers for comfort for you and your family.

  5. Dear Marci ~ Thank you for stopping by at my blog to let me know about your precious son's home-going to heaven. We are SO sorry for the earthly loss of your very, very sorry!! We are praying for you and your family at this most difficult of times!! Please know that we are here for you in any way that we might be of help...would you feel comfortable emailing me your mailing address?? My email is With much love and care, Camille (Isaiah 43:1-3)
