Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Clinic Day :)

Guess who got to take that happy boy to the clinic today? Thats right! The happy girl standing next to him ;)
Between GYC and a trip to DC with Roshi to visit our dearest Aunt, Uncle, and cousin I havent been to any of Jettie's appointments for well over a month. When I realized he had an appointment today and that I had the day off I was more than a little excited to be able to accompany mom and Jettie to the clinic. In the end Jettie drove me to the clinic while Mom went and did some shopping. Knowing my mother I know she probably had some qualms about Jethenro getting chemo without her there but she trusted the 2 of us and after making sure we knew the medications and dosages Jettie was getting she sent us on our way. 
The clinic Jethenro goes to is a teaching clinic and as such Level 3 (the level Roshi is in) nursing students at our community college get to have a clinical rotation there. Today 3 of Roshi's classmates were there and got to access Jethenro and observe chemo administration. 
So far this evening it seems that Jethenro is feeling much less exhausted after this round than he has the last 2 weeks. The rest of this week and next week he will be taking steroids and then goes back for chemo on the 7th of February. Thank you for your continued prayers for Jethenro. Please pray that he stays well through the rest of this phase!

Thank you Mommy for letting me take Jettie to the clinic today - I loved the sibling time :) 

Monday, January 23, 2012

What's for Lunch?

This is a question I am hearing lately~an hour after a good hearty breakfast! Some of you may remember noticing a lack of appetite this past spring while on our travels~ or  a mention of it a few times during the front line treatment when Jethenro was losing his muscle mass weight. Just for the record, he has gained all the weight back that he lost,(not necessarily muscle mass...) and the steroids that he periodically takes has encouraged an appetite. I am grateful to hear this question~even though he knows the next meal will not be ready for a few hours.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Quick Update

The chemo Jethenro had on Tuesday has wiped him out again.  He has been laying on his bed most of every day. His defenses have been "good" due to the steroids he was taking for a week.  Now his defenses will be dropping~which is the target~to go into immune suppression before building his defenses back up.

I knew it was going to be a couple of hours in the infusion room on Tuesday, so encouraged Jethenro to play some table games with me that were on a shelf in the play room.  His nurse overheard me talking about it, and came with an armload of table games to choose from found in another area~brand new ones!
She let us choose which one we wanted, and then went to the three other teenage kids in the room getting their hour+ long infusions.  Soon we could hear the laughter and lively discussions coming from different parts of the room as each family played games together.  The nurse said to me~ "I never thought of offering this before."  It made for making a bitter experience into something better. It was uplifting to hear the table game chatter coming from different parts of the room.
To top it off~as we were leaving the clinic, the nurse gave us the game for keeps. I thought I took a picture of Jethenro playing the game, but can't find it now~so here is the after we got home picture...
~We now have two games~
We will pay this kindness forward when given the opportunity.
~Found~ the picture from the clinic! Is that concentration...or...?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Words from Mom

This originally was going to be a place for the whole family to share our thoughts and news of this cancer journey~however, I do most of the posting on here, so think it is ok to post this here. It is written by a new friend of mine who happens to be on the same kind of journey~She says it so well~ 

I Am a Cancer Mom
I am not a soccer mom or a hockey mom, though I dare say I am as tough as any of them, maybe even tougher.  But I am not bragging.  Although I spend hours on the road transporting my children to events, I do not take them to practice or games. The events my children participate in are more of the life-or-death nature. The competition is fierce. There is no practice for the contest we are involved in.  We have been thrust into the fight without practice and without warning, and even without our permission.  We meet with our team and coaches on a regular basis, sometimes as much as five days a week and for hours at a time, sometimes all day. Sometimes we must live at the facility where we have around-the-clock assistance from our team and access to specialized competition methods.  I cheer them on, but not from the sidelines. I get right in there and fight, too. Sometimes I have to wield the instruments of conquest.  It is all blood, sweat, and tears; my child’s blood, my sweat, and all of our tears. So far, we are winning, but the fight is far from over, and the tide could turn at any time.  Vigilance is vital.  To let up, even for a day, could be the difference between victory and defeat.  We are in hand-to-hand combat, so to speak; my hand tightly holding those of my children and husband, and I’m not letting go. I am a cancer mom.
© Heather Page 2012 
Thanks Heather for allowing me to share this.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Christmas in January

Here Jethenro is putting together his Christmas present.  He received money from relatives to 'upgrade' his computer status.  He researched what would be best, and chose a 32" screen that can be used with computer, dvd's or tv.
He was also able to purchase a wireless keyboard so that he can use it with his large screen, and does not have to have the computer in such close proximity.
Now he is talking about and researching the prospects of building a computer~and getting new speakers~ ~His learning interests are shining through~
being used in service for God and others.

An Interview

Representatives from M*ke a W*sh Foundation came to our home to interview Jethenro and his parents.  Because leukemia is considered a life threatening cancer, he qualifies as a candidate to have a lifetime wish granted.  Ideas were bounced around and the representatives left with an idea of what Jethenro's interests are.  He was also given a small token gift to remind him of caring, interested people. The gift was in a bag with the foundation's name printed on it.
Inside was a Mancala game

~Catching up~

Last week's chemo has wiped out Jethenro's energy level.  By Sabbath he was so very tired/weary/fatigued that he could barely talk.  Fortunately it has slowly gotten a little better since then. We have been grateful for internet and being able to have our church's audio team broadcast  live either audio or video (or both) so that even though we cannot be in the audience, we can hear the service.  We feel blessed by our church family.   We also have the chance to get  some inspiring internet tv channels to uplift our spirits throughout the Sabbath hours.
Tomorrow is another clinic/chemo day. It is also the beginning of school, and Jethenro has a class in the classroom after his appointment at the clinic.  My mommy heart says~no!!! But the Dr.'s and others say 'yes' to getting back into school. He only will be in the classroom once a week, and the teacher knows about his condition~and is a nurse~so I leave this apprehension in Gods hands. I never had to feel  what it was like to drop off my child for his first day in Kindergarten~but I think that I will now~especially when he has to carry an EpiPen with him to class!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Chemo Day~tomorrow

Early this afternoon I took Jethenro to the clinic to have his blood check to verify that his counts are high enough to begin his next phase of treatment. Sure enough his ANC (defenses) is at 880. Still on the low end, but enough to begin chemo.  They do not administer chemo if ANC is at or below 750.  He has had a week to recuperate from his ANC of 134 last blood check. 
This phase of treatment will be a little harder then the last~it is called Delayed Intensification.
Thank you for your prayers on his behalf.

Wednesday, January 04, 2012


A week ago a couple of Jethenros friends from another state contacted my husband to find out if it would be possible to come visit Jethenro~ for they knew he could not travel right now.  Arrangements were made, and the friends drove extra miles to spend a few short hours with Jethenro.  It really boosted his morale to be able to share a few limited activities with them.
~Picking oranges and grapefruit~and eating a few~
Playing ping pong!

Defenses Low=No Chemo Today

I took Jethenro to the clinic fully expecting to begin the next phase of chemo today.  His blood was drawn and whisked off to the lab for analysis. Everyone was shocked when the results came back. His defenses are too low to begin the chemo! Evidently he has been battling a virus or allergies that have driven his white blood cell counts down, and the result is to wait until his body defenses are back to normal. So, we wiped  the emlacreme {~a lidocaine based creme that numbs the area where they do  lumbar punctures}  off his back, and got an appointment for next week to try again. 
Another unexpected delay in treatment. 
That is why we take one day at a time~with Jesus

Sunday, January 01, 2012

New Year Celebration

Jethenro celebrated New Years Eve by finding out he passed the ACT test he took a couple weeks ago.  He received a higher score than anticipated and we are all happy with him...He did not like the thought of ever having to take it again.
He and his parents then went to bed early to celebrate the New Year in dreamland.