
During cycle 10 of the Maintenance Phase, Jethenro went into ALL relapse, just 4 months shy of putting it all behind us.  
His bone marrow aspiration showed 80% blasts. He is now on a protocol that mimics the original protocol, but with a new drug, and instead of phases or cycles they are called:
of treatment.
A bone marrow transplant is necessary and can be done as soon as remission is achieved. When a match is detected, the 'block' of treatment stops, and the ONC team gives the medical care over to the transplant team. Jethenro will then go to Houston for the transplant procedures and 'after care' for the necessary period of recovery time.

Block 1
Began June 14, 2014
Blood Transfusions: 1 so far
Platelet transfusions: 5 so far

Jethenro went into septic shock on June 26, 2014 and never recovered. He died on July 4, 2014 at 1:46 pm

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