Monday, June 20, 2011

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

This post is to clarify the kind of leukemia Jethenro has been diagnosed with.

The  type of leukemia we are dealing with has several names, but is referred to in the medical community as ALL.  It can be called Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia, as well as Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.  It is then further broken down to either pre B, B, or T cell ALL. Acute means that it is fast growing.
Jethenro happens to have the pre B type.  It is the most common most treatable kind of leukemia that we are battling. We praise the Lord, for the prognosis is good. The information we have received from the cancer center states it as curable, however,  I choose to think of it as 'remission'
The first phase of attack is chemo once a week.  He will be tested to see if the leukemia is going into remission in another week or so. Then after July 2, the medical team will discuss the next phase of treatment. Total treatment lasts 3 years, but will not always be weekly chemo treatments.

In researching our options, there was no other choice but to blast this beast with chemo. Given the analysis of his blood, Jethenro needed help...and immediately.  Nothing else is immediate treatment.

1 comment:

  1. Praise the Lord for the good news on this being a cancer that they have SOMETHING to treat it with! Keeping you all in prayer. I know this is so difficult...
