Just to update you on what our week has been like...
Jethenro got his first non-family visitors on Sunday! A friend came to show Jethenro how to play a new game.
He's still quite tired and rests most of the day. Nitha, Roshi, and two cousin's got to take him out for a few hours on Monday night. No worries, he didn't leave the safety of the sanitized car. He enjoyed getting out, even though he had a slight headache.
Today Jethenro has a consultation with a Dr. about a portacath. At first Don did not like the idea of one...but after realizing how he'll be needing IV access weekly, this seems to be the best route to go.
Nitha had her first exam for her class, which she did well on. She's been spending her days studying. Roshi has been cooking and cleaning and trying to keep Jethenro company.
Don & Marci have been keeping busy reviewing and figuring out the treatment plan, researching, and mainly, answering phone calls. :) Never in my life have I seen them get so many calls! Thank you all so much for the calls, emails, cards, etc...
A couple of specific prayer requests for this week. Tomorrow Jethenro has his third round of chemo and a bone marrow biopsy. Please pray that 1) he handles the chemo well and have minimal side effects and 2) that his bone marrow biospy will show no blast cells in his bone marrow. Thank you for your continued prayers :)
You guys are still in my prayers. May the peace of God envelope you guys as you travel along this road.
ReplyDeleteLisa :O)
Yes, you are on my daily prayer list as well. Appreciate so much your updates--I understand that you may often have no time or energy for such. But just know that when you do make the effort--it is appreciated!